Biochemic system of medicine is based upon the cell theory of virchow. In 1858 the great scientist pronounced the new famous dictum that the body is merely a collection of cells, and that medicinal treatment should be directed towards the individual cell. This great truth notably elaborated by Schϋssler with the full appreciation of the value of the inorganic constituents the the cell substance and part taken by them in the preservation of health of the human organism. Ultimately, the efficacy of Biochemic system of medicines are acknowledged worldwide.
Bio Combination No. 24 - Tonic Nerves & Brain (Five Phos) Composition, (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Phos) General Indication: If the mental, physical, general and nervous weakness due to loss of vital fluid occur, then Five Phos is considerd a useful remedy. These symptoms may also appear because of any sudden shock. Five Phos is also useful when the physica, mental & general strength becomes weak because of the sexual abuses. Five Phos regulates the lost strength. It also increases haemoglobin f lactating mothers and elderly women. Five Phos is used as a general tonic for those people who are busy most of the time in mental work. The use of Five Phos keeps the person tired free all the day long. A genere tonic for all chronically wasting diseases; anaemia of young quickly growing people. Recommended for women who have been weakened by frequent childbearing. General debility and exhaustion with a lack of vitality. Specific Indication: Effective composi...
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