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Showing posts with the label Ferrum Phos

Bio Combination No. 1 - Anaemia

Bio Combination No. 1 - Anaemia Composition (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Phos, Nat Mur) 6x General Indication Lack of blood due to undigestible food and to living in unhealthy quarters. Continuous loss of blood from any part of the body. Cerebral and spinal anaemia. A general wasting of the tissues, waxy appearance of the skin: chlorosis, palpitation, tremor and weakness. Anaemia of the brainfrom prolonged mental strain. * Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Ferrum Phos

Name : Ferrum Phos Class  : Phosphate of Iron Indications: 1. It can be used as preliminary treatment of any disease. 2. The typical Ferr. Phos subject is not full blooded & robust, but nervous, sensitive, anaemic with the plethora. 3. It is useful in acute bronchitis & hyperemia of lungs. Expectoration of pure blood in pneumonia. 4. Haemorrhages, bright from any orifice e.g. nose, throat, lungs, stomach. 5 It should be remembered in day enuresis. 6. Ferr. Phos increases haemoglobin. 7. Headache better form cold application. Soreness to touch, cold & noise.