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Bio Combination No. 28 - General Tonic

Bio Combination No. 28 - General Tonic Composition, All Twelve Tissues General Indication: These tablets contain the twelve Tissue Remedies found in the human organism. They are of great help for those suffering from consumption and other debilitating diseases, for convalescents from fever, pneumonia, diarrhoea etc. As they help to build up the system by supplying the necessary tissue nutrition. Weak and old people take them as a tonic after meals. The continuous use of these tablets will keep off disease. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 22 - Scrofula

Bio Combination No. 22 - Scrofula Composition, (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Silicea) General Indication: Both dry and suppurating scrofulous glandular abscesses. Almost all symptoms of the disease are covered. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 17 - Piles

Bio Combination No. 17 - Piles Composition, (Calc Fluor, Kali Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Mur) General Indication: An approved remedy against heamorrhodial knots, all kinds of piles. External piles with stinging pains. Bleeding piles with or without pain. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 14 - Measles

Bio Combination No. 14 - Measles Composition, ( Ferr Phos , Kali Mur , Kali Sulf ) General Indication: Sneezing and thin discharge from nose; eyes ware watery, fever. A help in all stages of the disease. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Do ctor .

Bio Combination No. 11 - Fever

Bio Combination No. 11 - Fever Composition, (Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Kali Sulf, Nat Mur, Nat Sulf) General Indication: All kinds of fever, chills, initial stages of inflammatory diseases. In quick sudden swellings; pneumonia, Pleurisy and other inflammatory affections that tend so suppuration. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor

Bio Combination No. 10 - Enlarged Tonsils

Bio Combination No. 10 - Enlarged Tonsils Composition, (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Mur) General Indication: Fever, a feeling of lassitude, pains in the back and limbs; throat lined with a white coating. Tonsils swollen. Tongue coated, bad breath, no appetite. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 9 - Dysentery

Bio Combination No. 9 - Dysentery Composition, Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Mag Phos General Indication: Pain when stoold begin to pass. They contain mucus and blood. There is a constant urge to empty the bowels. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 5 - Coryza

Bio Combination No. 5 - Coryza Composition, (Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Nat Mur, Kali Sulf) General Indication: Pain in the head, sneezing, continuous thick white discharge from the nose or discharge from the bronchial tubes due to an irritation and severe inflammation of the mucous membranes. Fever, white or grey coated tongue. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 4 - Constipation

Bio Combination No. 4 - Constipation Composition, (Calc Fluor, Kali Mur, Nat Mur, Silicea) General Indication: Bowels constipated without apparent cause, liver torpid, stools dry, hard and black; dull headache; foul breath and bad taste in mouth, tongue coated. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.