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Showing posts with the label Natrum Mur

Bio Combination No. 1 - Anaemia

Bio Combination No. 1 - Anaemia Composition (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Phos, Nat Mur) 6x General Indication Lack of blood due to undigestible food and to living in unhealthy quarters. Continuous loss of blood from any part of the body. Cerebral and spinal anaemia. A general wasting of the tissues, waxy appearance of the skin: chlorosis, palpitation, tremor and weakness. Anaemia of the brainfrom prolonged mental strain. * Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Natrum Mur

Name : Natrum Mur Class  : Chloride of Sodium Indications: 1. Natrum Muriaticum is an important constituent of all the compounds in the body. 2. It is indicated in weak, anaemic patients who are greatly emaciated and lose flesh while living well. 3. It is useful in the deficiency of energy providing salts. 4. It is useful in patients having problems of weight loss, indigestion, pale complexion & sense of coldness. 5. It is of service in constipation, great debility and neuralgia. 6. It should be of service in dyspepsia when the food taken produces a dull aching and distension of stomach and abdomen resulting in sensation of weakness and sinking of the stomach. 7. It is curative in delayed menstruation. 8. It is indicated in eczema. The skin about the nails is dry and cracked and there are hangnalis. 9. People living in cold climate are much more susceptible of these diseases rather than warm climate. Natrum Muriaticum is very effective for all these conditions.