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Name : Silicea Class  : Pure Flint Indications: 1. It is an essential constituent of hair, nails and teeth. Silicea can stimulate the organism to reabsorb fibrotic condition and scar tissues. 2. Its use facilitate the body growth. 3. It is of service in ricketic children who have large head, open sutures and fontanelles. It is useful remedy for child who is slow in learning to walk. 4. It is useful in chronic bronchitis. 5. This is a good remedy for ailments attended with pus formation. 6. It is also useful in empyema, when the suppression is chronic and although drainage is good, yet the pus continues. It eliminates waste products from body and effective for the betterment of internal system.

Natrum Sulph

Name : Natrum Sulph Class  : Sulphate of Sodium Indications: 1. It maintains water balance in the body. 2. The consistency of blood, urine and other secretions can be regulated by this medicine. 3. It is indicated in hepatic congestion and spinal meningitis with crushing pain at the base of brain with delirium. 4. The sputum is copious and of greenish colour. 5. Prolonged fever. 6. It is also effective against rheumatism. 7. All these above conditions are suppressed in warm climate.

Natrum Phos

Name : Natrum Phos Class  : Phosphate of Sodium Indications: 1. This salt is produced in blood, muscles, nervous cells and other parts of the body. 2. It has specific action on stomach, Intestines kidneys and joints and it is very essential for their appropriate function. 3. It should be remembered in all cases when there is sour eructations and vomiting, all the discharges are sour. 4. It is of service in diarrhoea, when the stools are sour, green or white. The tongue has a yellow golden coating. 5. It is of service in kidney stones, inflammation and infection of bladder. 6. It is also useful in enuresis specially in children. 7. It is also effective in rheumatism.

Natrum Mur

Name : Natrum Mur Class  : Chloride of Sodium Indications: 1. Natrum Muriaticum is an important constituent of all the compounds in the body. 2. It is indicated in weak, anaemic patients who are greatly emaciated and lose flesh while living well. 3. It is useful in the deficiency of energy providing salts. 4. It is useful in patients having problems of weight loss, indigestion, pale complexion & sense of coldness. 5. It is of service in constipation, great debility and neuralgia. 6. It should be of service in dyspepsia when the food taken produces a dull aching and distension of stomach and abdomen resulting in sensation of weakness and sinking of the stomach. 7. It is curative in delayed menstruation. 8. It is indicated in eczema. The skin about the nails is dry and cracked and there are hangnalis. 9. People living in cold climate are much more susceptible of these diseases rather than warm climate. Natrum Muriaticum is very effective for all these conditions.

Magnesia Phos

Name : Magnesia Phos Class  : Phosphate of Magnesia Indications: 1. The great antispasmodic remedy. 2. It is indicated in chorea, cramping of muscles with radiating pain. Neuralgic pains are relieved by warmth & Pressure. 3. Specially suited to tired, languid, exhausted persons. 4. Infant colic, flatulent colic, forcing patient to bend double relieved by rubbing, warmth, pressure accompained with belching of gas which give no relief. 5. All the symptoms aggravated due to cold applications can be cured by Mag Phos e.g. headache, toothache, chest complaints etc. 6. Suffocating sensation, must loosen clothing. 7. Goitre, spasmodic cough with difficultly in lying down. Whooping cough. 8. Menstrual colic, membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Kalium Sulph

Name : Kalium Sulph Class  : Potassium Sulphate Indications: 1.This remedy is indicated during the third stage of inflammation when the discharge is yellow. 2. It is useful during the last stage of bronchitis and broncho-pneumonia. 3. It is useful in otitis and infection of inner ear. 4. The patient feels better while in the cool & fresh air. 5. This is the most recommended remedy for controlling the severity and further complication of diseases.

Kalium Phos

Name : Kalium Phos Class  : Phosphate of Potassium Indications: 1. A great remedy for chronic diseases, neuralgia & mental weakness due to over work. 2. It is a useful remedy for neurasthenia, migraine, weak memory and muscular debility following acute diseases. 3. It reduces nervous & muscular cramps. 4. Lack of nerve power, slightest labour seems a heavy task. 5. Mental & physical depressions are wonderfully improved by this remedy. 6. It should be remembered in the treatment of suspected malignant tumors. 7. Paleness of skin, urine, phlegm & diarrhoea are the main indication for this remedy. 8. It is a good source of power & energy which can be used in any age without hesitation.

Kalium Mur

Name : Kalium Mur Class  : Potassium Chloride Indications: 1. This remedy is indicated in catarrhal affections and in subacute inflammations. 2. It is useful in tonsillitis and nasal catarrh. 3. It is useful in pneumonia during the stage of hepatization. 4. It should be remembered in rheumatic fever & glandular swelling. 5. There is white or grey coating at the base of tongue an expectoration of thick white phlegm. 6. The liver is inactive, the tongue has a white or grey coating and bowls are constipated. 7. It is useful for white irritating leucorrhoea. 8. It is of service in severe ulcers, eczema and boils. 9. Effective against all the diseases which become worse by heat.

Ferrum Phos

Name : Ferrum Phos Class  : Phosphate of Iron Indications: 1. It can be used as preliminary treatment of any disease. 2. The typical Ferr. Phos subject is not full blooded & robust, but nervous, sensitive, anaemic with the plethora. 3. It is useful in acute bronchitis & hyperemia of lungs. Expectoration of pure blood in pneumonia. 4. Haemorrhages, bright from any orifice e.g. nose, throat, lungs, stomach. 5 It should be remembered in day enuresis. 6. Ferr. Phos increases haemoglobin. 7. Headache better form cold application. Soreness to touch, cold & noise.

Calcarea Sulph

Name : Calcarea Sulph Class  : Sulphate of Lime Indications: 1. This remedy is indicated when the pus has found a vent, the infiltration has subsided but the discharge continues. 2. It is of service in bronchitis and tonsillitis. 3. It is useful remedy when mucous discharges are painful, yellow, thick and lumpy. 4. Regular use of calcarea sulphurica is very beneficial for infection in human body. 5. Burning & itching of soles of feet.

Calcarea Phos

Name : Calcarea Phos Class  : Phosphate of Lime 1. This remedy is indicated in dark complexioned, thin, anaemic persons. 2. It frequently controls anaemia and malnutrition in pregnant woman and her child. 3. It is of service when dentition is delayed and child is slow in learning to walk. 4. Widely used for problems related to dentition and calcium deficiency. 5. Weakness, anorexia and greenish diarrhoea and such other problems of children can be effectively treated by this remedy. 6. It is of service when the patient is worse in damp, cold, changeable weather and being relieved in warm, dry & summer weather.

Calcarea Fluor

Name : Calcarea Fluor Class  : Fluoride of Lime 1. A powerful remedy for varicose and enlarged veins. It is also used for malnutrition of bones hard & stony glands. 2. Also a useful remedy for congenital hereditary syphilis manifesting itself in ulceration of mouth and throat. 3. Used after operation, the tendency to adhesion is reduced. 4. It is useful for easy expectoration of thick and heavy phlegm. 5. It is of service in the deficiency of essential minerals of bones and teeth. 6. It is effective against rheumatism aggravated by cold weather. 7. Very effective for the protection of eye sight and protect from cataract.

Biochemic Tissue Salts

B iochemic system of medicine is based upon the cell theory of virchow. In 1858 the great scientist pronounced the new famous dictum that the body is merely a collection of cells, and that medicinal treatment should be directed towards the individual cell. This great truth notably elaborated by Schϋssler with the full appreciation of the value of the inorganic constituents the the cell substance and part taken by them in the preservation of health of the human organism. Ultimately, the efficacy of Biochemic system of medicines are acknowledged worldwide.