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Bio Combination No. 14 - Measles

Bio Combination No. 14 - Measles Composition, ( Ferr Phos , Kali Mur , Kali Sulf ) General Indication: Sneezing and thin discharge from nose; eyes ware watery, fever. A help in all stages of the disease. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Do ctor .

Bio Combination No. 13 - Leucorrhoea

Bio Combination No. 13 - Leucorrhoea Composition, (Calc Phos, Kali Sulf, Kali Phos, Nat Mur) General Indication: All forms of leucorrhoea during puberty, pregnancy and in the climacteric; in states of general weakness and hysteria. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 12 - Headache

Bio Combination No. 12 - Headache Composition, (Ferr Phos, Nat Mur, Kali Phos, Mag Phos) General Indication: Headaches due to congestion and a rush of blood to the head, neuralgia. Better from heat, worse from cold. Nervousness as a consequence of worries sleeplessness, or a low-functioning liver. Worse in the evening or in a warm room, better in the open air. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 11 - Fever

Bio Combination No. 11 - Fever Composition, (Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Kali Sulf, Nat Mur, Nat Sulf) General Indication: All kinds of fever, chills, initial stages of inflammatory diseases. In quick sudden swellings; pneumonia, Pleurisy and other inflammatory affections that tend so suppuration. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor

Bio Combination No. 10 - Enlarged Tonsils

Bio Combination No. 10 - Enlarged Tonsils Composition, (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Mur) General Indication: Fever, a feeling of lassitude, pains in the back and limbs; throat lined with a white coating. Tonsils swollen. Tongue coated, bad breath, no appetite. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 9 - Dysentery

Bio Combination No. 9 - Dysentery Composition, Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Mag Phos General Indication: Pain when stoold begin to pass. They contain mucus and blood. There is a constant urge to empty the bowels. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 8 - Diarrhoea

Bio Combination No. 8 - Diarrhoea Composition, (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Phos, Kali Sulf, Nat Sulf) General Indication: Thin watery stools with undigested food, thirst, caused by fat or too rich food. White coated tongue. Prostration. Recommended in convalescence. * As Prescribed by Homowopathic Doctor.