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Bio Combination No. 5 - Coryza

Bio Combination No. 5 - Coryza Composition, (Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Nat Mur, Kali Sulf) General Indication: Pain in the head, sneezing, continuous thick white discharge from the nose or discharge from the bronchial tubes due to an irritation and severe inflammation of the mucous membranes. Fever, white or grey coated tongue. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 4 - Constipation

Bio Combination No. 4 - Constipation Composition, (Calc Fluor, Kali Mur, Nat Mur, Silicea) General Indication: Bowels constipated without apparent cause, liver torpid, stools dry, hard and black; dull headache; foul breath and bad taste in mouth, tongue coated. * As Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 3 - Colic

Bio Combination No. 3 - Colic Composition, (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Sulf) 6x General Indication: Colics of infants that cause them to draw up their legs, especially during teething. Colic of children and and adults from blockage of the intestines caused by flatulence or constipation with formation of gas. Spasmodic pains causing the patient to double up. * Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 2 - Asthma

Bio Combination No. 2 - Asthma Composition, (Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Mur, Nat Sulf)6x General Indication: Nervous asthma accompnied by cough, gasping, irregular pulse. Asthma with troublesome faltulence or spasms, convulsive tickling cough. Bronchial asthma with yellow sputum, worse in the evening and in warm rooms, better in cool air. * Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.

Bio Combination No. 1 - Anaemia

Bio Combination No. 1 - Anaemia Composition (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Phos, Nat Mur) 6x General Indication Lack of blood due to undigestible food and to living in unhealthy quarters. Continuous loss of blood from any part of the body. Cerebral and spinal anaemia. A general wasting of the tissues, waxy appearance of the skin: chlorosis, palpitation, tremor and weakness. Anaemia of the brainfrom prolonged mental strain. * Prescribed by Homoeopathic Doctor.


Name : Silicea Class  : Pure Flint Indications: 1. It is an essential constituent of hair, nails and teeth. Silicea can stimulate the organism to reabsorb fibrotic condition and scar tissues. 2. Its use facilitate the body growth. 3. It is of service in ricketic children who have large head, open sutures and fontanelles. It is useful remedy for child who is slow in learning to walk. 4. It is useful in chronic bronchitis. 5. This is a good remedy for ailments attended with pus formation. 6. It is also useful in empyema, when the suppression is chronic and although drainage is good, yet the pus continues. It eliminates waste products from body and effective for the betterment of internal system.

Natrum Sulph

Name : Natrum Sulph Class  : Sulphate of Sodium Indications: 1. It maintains water balance in the body. 2. The consistency of blood, urine and other secretions can be regulated by this medicine. 3. It is indicated in hepatic congestion and spinal meningitis with crushing pain at the base of brain with delirium. 4. The sputum is copious and of greenish colour. 5. Prolonged fever. 6. It is also effective against rheumatism. 7. All these above conditions are suppressed in warm climate.